"Kus Uçusu," also known as "As the Crow Flies," is a Turkish drama series available on Netflix. It mainly follows two women: Lale Kiran, a well-known news anchor, and Asli Tuna, who admires Lale. When Asli's meeting with Lale doesn't go as she hoped, she decides to take over Lale's newsroom. This leads to a story filled with ambition, power struggles, and betrayal. Season 1 premiered on June 3, 2022, and season 2 on December 14, 2023.
Here’s all the As the Crow Flies Season 3 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there an As the Crow Flies Season 3 release date?
As of April 2024, As the Crow Flies has greenlit for the third season after releasing its first trailer of season 3.
Yes; As the Crow Flies does have an official release date, and will release on April 11, 2024 on Netflix.
Where is As the Crow Flies Season 3 coming out?
It's 100% yes that "As the Crow Flies" Season 3 will be released on Netflix since the first two seasons were available on the same platform. TVEPISODE will keep you updated if and when the third season is officially announced.
How many episodes in Season 3 will have?
- Season 3 of "As the Crow Flies" will consist of 8 episodes.
Season 2 Episodes of "As the Crow Flies"
Episode 1:
Aslı has everything she's ever wanted, but greater threats emerge with her higher profile. Meanwhile, Lale struggles with life off-camera.
Episode 2:
Sparks fly as Lale returns to the airwaves and Yusuf comes back from the field. Aslı's innovative broadcasting methods yield high ratings and damning results.
Episode 3:
Lale, unnerved by Aslı's continued success, retaliates by delving into the truth behind the Ilayda case. Gül's attempts to consolidate power backfire.
Episode 4:
Aslı's new alliance crumbles as quickly as it was formed. Meanwhile, cracks begin to form in Lale's present as she reminisces about the past.
Episode 5:
After a heated conversation, Lale and Aslı confront hard truths, while Güliz poaches Kenan and Selim's suspicions grow. Later, disaster strikes.
Episode 6:
Lale's renewed zeal leads to a rise in ratings, but success comes at a steep cost. Meanwhile, Aslı, unaware of a new player, unleashes on Müge.
Episode 7:
Aslı pieces together the puzzle, but her enemy has learned from her tactics. Meanwhile, struggling to adapt, Lale finds solace in helping others.
Episode 8:
As pressure mounts and ratings plummet, Aslı reaches her breaking point. Lale, on the other hand, turns the tables, ushering in a new era.
Season 1 Episodes of "As the Crow Flies"
Episode 1:
A devoted fan, Aslı, bluffs her way into an internship at respected news anchor Lale Kıran's office, determined to make her mark.
Episode 2:
Aslı sets traps for other interns but struggles against Güliz, whose connections protect her. Meanwhile, Kenan's actions stir up trouble at Lale's party.
Episode 3:
Kenan tasks Yusuf with finding the culprit behind the BüşBüş gossip account. Lale clashes with her team over refusing to report on yacht fire rumors.
Episode 4:
Lale and Kenan ask Özge to retrieve a USB drive with confidential news material, but Aslı has her eyes set on it, causing tension between her and Selim.
Episode 5:
As Aslı schemes to reignite Lale and Kenan's romance, she enlists Yusuf's help to spread gossip. Meanwhile, Lale and Müge share a history as co-anchors.
Episode 6:
Kenan surprises Lale with a heartfelt revelation, while Aslı attempts to sabotage Lale's live TV appearance. Suspicion grows, leading to a showdown.
Episode 7:
Selim issues Lale an ultimatum regarding her relationship with Kenan, while Yusuf makes a crucial decision. Aslı, in a fury, confronts Lale.
Episode 8:
After a tense encounter with Gül, Aslı persuades Müge to stage a mutiny against Lale, but Lale's supporters rally to defend her credibility.
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